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Home Learning 

Monday, April 6th- Thursday, April 9th 


Please note, I provided a lot of detail, as this is our introduction for this new learning process.


Literacy: (20 minutes a day)

  • Word Wall Words: Practice reading their 4 Word Wall Words.

    • Continue from the page in the Red Duo-tang. Once finished, I can send you the following list, however, you may also pick and choose from our complete list that is in the sheet protector on the front page.

    • If possible: Practice printing your sight words in the snow or with sidewalk chalk.


  • Reading: This can include your child reading or listening to someone read (such as interactive books online).

    • I have found a wonderful website that has books based on their Guided Reading levels. This website also highlights the words as it is being said. I love it! I will message you what level your child is on and his/her password to access these books. (


Math (20 minutes a day): can be done in English*

Choose one from the list below to complete each day. However, I would suggest all 3 be covered throughout the week.

  • Interactive websites: ( This the website we use at school on Fridays. Students are familiar with this site. I will send you their login/password information.

  • Count back from 100-80 (I will provide a 100 chart and a video of myself doing this)

  • Scavenger Hunt: Have children hunt around the house to find objects according to various 2-D and 3-D shapes. For example, “find something that is the shape of a cylinder” or “Find 3 items that have a triangle.”


Sound of the week: 10 minutes once a week

  • Listen to the song “Valerie Vache”. I have attached the link, story, words that make the sound “v” and the given gesture to my website.

Weekly agenda example

April 6th.png

This is an interactive 100 chart. Students can colour the numbers as they count back. 

100 chart.png

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