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Home Learning

Monday, May 4th- Friday, May 8th 

Please follow the same routine. 


New information that has been added: ​



Sight Word Tic-Tac-Toe: With a family member, play Tic-Tac-Toe. However, instead of using x's and o's you will use your sight words in the spaces provided, hoping to achieve 3 of your words in a row. Each player must use a different coloured marker. Therefore, the winner is the one who has 3 of the same coloured words in a row. While playing, students will say the word they are writing in their square.  


Sight Word Tic-Tac Toe Example:











Journal Writing: Create a Mother's Day Card for your mom or someone special. 


Joyeuse fête des mères! (Title) 

Je t’aime beaucoup maman. Merci pour tout ce que tu fais pour moi


English translation: 

Happy Mother's Day 

I love you so much mom. Thank you for everything you do for me. 




Measurement Scavenger Hunt: Using a lego block (or toy car, spoon, etc.) measure things found around your home. On a sheet of paper create a table including: item, predictions, and result. Begin by giving your prediction, will the object be longer or shorter than your lego block (or object of choice)? Once finished, indicate your results.

This activity can also be done by measuring the hight of other objects compared to lego blocks. For example, how many lego blogs high is your couch? 


Also, please continue to check "Blackville School Physical/Wellness page on Facebook for daily activities. 


Have a wonderful week!:)


Happy Mother's Day! 



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