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Alphabet Sounds

Valérie Vache

Gesture: Do like Valérie Vache and use your arm, making the letter "v” in the air, every time you hear the sound "v".


Words that make the sound "v":

vache (cow), livre (book), volume (volume), va (go), voici (here is), violet (purple). 

Click on the title to play the song. 


Story: This is Ginette Girafe. Ginette Girafe is funny. She loves to juggle with jujubes. 


Gesture: Place both arms up in the air every time you hear the sound "jjjjj" pretending to juggle. 




Words that make the sound "g": manger (eating), pyjama (pyjama), nuages (clouds), girafe (giraffe). 


Story: This is Pierre Panda. It is a very hot, sunny day. Pierre Panda dives in the pool. Suddenly, a bird flies in the sky and a feather lands on his small paw. Pierre Panda blows on his paw, trying to remove the feather. 


Gesture: Place your hand under your chin and blow lightly every time you hear the sound "p, p, p". 



Words that make the sound "pp": papa (dad), piano (piano), pendant (during), petit (small), petite (small), pourquoi (why), parce que (because). 


Story: This is Nicolas Nounours. It's winter and he loves playing in the snow. He jumps in the snow, rolls in the snow and tastes the snow. He sticks out his little tangue to catch snowflakes. It's so fun!


Gesture: Do like Nicolas Nounours and say "nnnn" "nnnn" while sticking out your tongue a little while biting softly on it. 



Words that make the sound "nnnn": non (no), ne (not), nous (us), neige (snow), novembre (November)


Story: This is Gabrielle Grenouille. Gabrielle Grenouille loves winter. She slides on the ice. The ice is smooth and cold. 


Gesture: Do the same as Gabrielle Grenouille and say: g,g,g"while moving your left arm towards the right pretending to slide. 


Words that make the sound "g,g,g": grenouille, gros, grosse, grand, grande.



Story: This is Zach Zèbre. On a nice, sunny day, Zach goes to the zoo. A big bumblebee follows Zach. Zach does some zigzags to avoid getting stung while saying: "zzzzzzz". 


Gesture: Do the same as Zach Zèbre and say "zzzzzz", open your hand by folding the knuckles inwards and turn your wrist in a zigzag shape.


Words that make the sound "zzzz": zéro, zoo, zèbre, 



Story: This is Eugénie Émeu. Eugénie Émeu is hungry. She cooks eggs on a fire. Poor Eugenie, her tail catches fire. She shouts: "eu, eu, eu", tapping her tail to put out the fire.


Gesture: Do like Eugénie Émeu and say: "eu, eu, eu" while shaking your arm behind your back.


Words that make the sound "eu": deux, feu, peut, jeudi, veut.



Story: This is Xavier Lynx. Xavier Lynx plays plays the xylophone. His dog tries to take one of his sticks. To calm his dog, Xavier holds out his index and middle fingers, folding his fingers and saying: "kss, kss".


Gesture: Do the same as Xavier Lynx and say "kss, ksss" form the letter V with the index and middle fingers; the other fingers are closed.


Words that make the sound "x": taxi, extra, expérience, index, boxer, exception.



Story: This is Madame Truite. Madame Truite eats eight oysters cooked in olive oil. It stinks in the kitchen.


Gesture: Do like Madame Truite and say: "ui, ui, ui".  Push your hand in front of your nose like a fan to push away the smell.


Words that make the sound "ui": suis, lui, pluie, fruit, nuit.



Story: This is Agnès Agneau. Agnès Agneau nibbles on mushrooms on the mountain. A small spider climbs on her muzzle. Oh! Agnès Agneau wants to remove the spider from her muzzle. She rubs her muzzle saying: "gn, gn, gn".



Gesture: Do like Agnès Agneau and say "gn, gn, gn". Place your index finger on the edge of your nose to close one nostril.


Words that make the sound "gn": champignon, araignée, peigne, montagne, ligne, 

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