Home Learning
Monday, April 20th- Friday, April 24th
Same routine as usual.
What's new?
Scavenger Hunt: In addition to students practicing their weekly 4 Word Wall Words, include words they have already learned from previous weeks.
A family member will then hide these words (written on paper or flashcards) around the house (or outside). Next, students will go searching for these words. Once found, students read them out loud.
Writing Example: Mon ami(e) s’appelle Melanie. Elle a 6 ans. Melanie est gentil(le).
My friend's name is Emily. She is 6 years old. Melanie is nice.
ami-male friend
amie-female friend
gentil- kind male
gentille- kind female
Students create different patterns.
Feel free to take/share pictures of students' work to show others in the class if you wish.
Example of different patterns including: movement, drawings, items (cans), things found outside (snowballs), colours, draw on pavement, lego.. anything they wish! Also, ask students "when does the pattern repeat?" "How do you know this is a pattern?"
Also feel free to discuss and participate in Earth Day (April 22nd), maybe go for a walk, recycle, turn off electronics for an hour (etc.).
Home Learning Agenda

Weekly Agenda Example