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Home Learning

Monday, June 1st- Friday, June 5th

Please follow the same routine. 


New information that has been added: ​




Plastic Cup Bowling: Write words on cups, students roll a ball trying to nock as many down as possible. identify words that were knocked over. (suggestion)



Journal Writing: La personne mystère est une fille. Elle habite à Blackville. Elle a un frère. Il s’appelle Ayden. Qui est ma personne mystère? 


English translation: 

The mystery person is a girl. She lives in Blackville. She has a brother. His name is Ayden. Who is my mystery person?




Hopscotch: Counting by 2s to 20 


Which holds the most water: Fill a glass of water and empty it into measuring cup. Record data, repeat using other sources such as a bowl. Once finished, place in order, greatest to least and then least to greatest.


Also, please continue to check "Blackville School Physical/Wellness page on Facebook for daily activities. 




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