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Home Learning

Monday, April 27th- Friday, May 1st 

Please follow the same routine. 


New information that has been added: ​



Sight Word Memory Game: In addition to students practicing their weekly 4 Word Wall Words, include words they have already learned from previous weeks (if you wish). Write each word on two recipe cards/pieces of paper. Once cards have been placed in a few rows, flip two cards, reading them correctly. If they are a match, you keep them. If not, flip them back over. This game can also be played with a partner. (Students may enjoy "teaching" you their words.)  


Journal Writing ExampleJ’ai une petite soeur. Ma soeur s’appelle Brittani. Elle a 26 ans.


(I have a younger sister. My sister's name is Brittani. She is 26 years old.) 

















J'ai un _______frère. Il s'appelle _______. Il a ____ ans.

(I have an older/younger brother. His name is______. He is ____ years old.) 


Vocabulary words: 

grande soeur: older sister

grand frère: older brother

petite soeur: little sister

petit frère: little brother




Number Line, Addition/Subtraction Game: Using sidewalk draw, draw a number line from 0-20. You will also need a partner and a deck of cards, removing the Kings, Queens and Jackets from your deck. Next, draw a card and jump the number of spaces on the card, either forwards or backwards depending on the card selected.

Black cards: jump ahead

Red cards: jump backwards 

Aces: will act as the number 1 

The winner is the person who lands exactly on the 20 first. (Loose a turn if a move puts you off the number line). 


Also, please continue to check "Blackville School Physical/Wellness page on Facebook for daily activities. 


Have a wonderful week!:)




Here is a picture of my sister Brittani, her fiancé Kent, and their dog Charlie, if the students wanted to see. 

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 © 2023 by Amanda Peterson. Proudly created with

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